Easy Tips to look beautiful in 30 minutes

Everyone desires to look beautiful. It is not necessary that you use the most expensive product or beauty parlor Head. For the sake of the beauty of the face is essential that you become aware of this particular

Turn off wrinkles

Mix a few drops of lemon juice, a teaspoon of honey and apply on the face of the wrinkles on the face is no more.

Brightness kept intact -

Mix a teaspoon or two drops of rose water and a teaspoon of lemon juice mixed with milk and apply on the face of it the softness and shine of the skin persists.

For scrubbing

Gently massage the face with a piece of tomato, the face of the whole mess will be cleaned up. Scrubbing is important to refine the skin. Scrub dead skin cells, dirt, etc., from being diverted off the pores stops.

Get rid of oily skin

A tablespoon of lemon juice mixed with a teaspoon of rose water and crushed peppermint Place 1 hour. After 20 minutes wash the face by. The viscosity of the face will go away.

How might improve -

Glow in the skin to bring a handful of orange juice, a teaspoon of bran, a teaspoon of honey and rose water to create a paste. Find this paste on the face and neck. Dry Wash.

Get honey in skin tightening -

Find a little honey on the face and neck after drying face massage fingers. After drying of honey with warm water to clean it. The skin tightening will come.

Avoid dark circle

Wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes to escape and keep honey and almond oil to gently rub and wash.

Avoid dry skin

Mix honey and orange juice in coconut oil and apply on the skin torn rudely. After drying the mixture, wash with warm water and gently wipe the Apply coconut oil or some other Moishcrair

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